Monday 20 December 2010

If I Should Vanish, Don't Get Caught Off Guard (Don't Hold It Against Me, Unless It Gets Hard)

It's a trick I do every now and again when modern life becomes a little too much. I shall either cut all [most?] ties to the outside world or I will go travel somewhere, alone.
Yesterday I drove for an hour and a half to collect a mug I had made and glazed for the bossman with swastikas and auspicious eternal knotwork. I painted it all on freehand and one mug took me three hours to paint. I was hoping to do three but I seriously misjudged myself. The drive however I love, if not for the fact my music is all over the place as a Classic Mini is not the kind of car you'd really want a cd player in, the suspension is too stiff and the damn thing jumps around more than it plays the music I want to hear :) but I wouldn't want it any other way, I love my little car as much as I love my dog, simple.
I have today and tomorrow of work left before having time off for the first time in a year. In all I have had about 5 days off in total this year but have also enjoyed every minute of the challenges friends have set to keep me occupied and focused whilst the real bessie mates are working abroad. I have also set myself an almost impossible task of waking at silly o'clock in the morning to do something... anyone want to take bets I chicken out? You guys know what I'm like after all!!!
Mr Kev 'Harry The Cake' Yeoman I miss you when you are in Oman! A year is by far too long for my 'tinfoil hat' wearing, chaos theorizing friend not to fall asleep on my couch. Liz and Wes miss ya a whole ton as well but life just isn't the same without ya. Concerts, although good, are lonely when you're by yourself.
Liz and Wes who'da thunk that I would become such firm friends with someone I haven't known that long,but I love ya both very much even though I'm like a second child to you Liz and possibly a little bit of a bad influence on Wes due to my stories and the like.
Chigs, you as always have given me confidence and hope, I just never tell you that. I just hope 2011 is better for you and Ange. Oh, and roll on 2038 when you'll have you're own studio and I'll be working with you, ha ha.
Steve and Faye I need to get off my arse and spend more time with you guys as I love you both so much, but then we are all cut from similar cloth and know that we love each other without actually being in each others presence. And you guys are the most likely to know where I am at all times when I go 'off the radar'
Finally Meatball, what can I say? Stuck beside me and not judged me when everything falls down around my ears and family go uber psycho weird on me.
Next year however I need to set foot outside of the UK again desperately and visit Jondix in Barcelona for tattoo time,  and Sam in LA, amongst others. Ohio is off my travel list and although some of my oldest friends live there and I really should see them if in the States, I don't feel as now is the best time, for them. Issues and goings on I have no idea about but in which I cannot be part. Shit happens huh? But as of yesterday I have flight money, now just needs me some moneys to spend and for motels. That's not to mention the amount of money I need to save to get the planned '11 body art, although it is only three pieces of art to cover boobs, neck and chest and hands...
Viva 2011.... Viva la revolucion, Viva la desvalido!!!!!


  1. You off again kid? When?
    4 fucks sake avoid ne authority types this time; no tangoing with the Argentine Military and no smoking nething in the States!
    But then you've changed since you were 18...
    Actauly scrub that, yous still a little fucking nutball
    Maybe 2011 is the yr to wear clothes that fit ya and stop wearing kids jeans ;)

  2. Not sure when Meatball and it's not a long'un. I don't plan to be anything other than my usual well behaved self now I'm over 30, ignoring the fact Argentina was only 2 years ago.....
    And the clothes, you're only jealous that I don't pay VAT on my clothes and they generally cost less. Humans are better smaller, take up less room ;)
